“The People’s Network” expands into Vietnam

A new partnership between IoT company Kerlink and Vietnams VIoT Group, a pioneer is enabling rollout of Vietnam’s first nationwide LoRaWAN® IoT network, and VIoT’s plan to support Helium’s “The People’s Network”.
VIoT specialise in smart urban &&…

VIoT specialise in smart urban & industrial park development in Vietnam, first launching smart-city applications in 2018 with a LoRaWAN® streetlighting project. They now offer a range of applications such as smart utility metering, end-to-end air-water-quality monitoring, and early flood-incident management systems. 


The partnership with Kerlink sees VIoT distribute Kerlink Helium-enabled hotspots and deploy its own IoT network at the same time. The model utilises partners and household owners in strategic locations to roll out Helium’s The People Network to create a cost-effective and secure blockchain-powered IoT backbone network.

Founder and CEO of VIoT Group, Viet Nguyen said that “These deployments will make it possible for Vietnamese factories, businesses, cities and consumers to benefit from of cost effective, easy-to-deploy vertical wireless solutions, and to use Helium’s global, decentralized network of hotspots to disrupt traditional telcos’ subscription-based operating models.”


The first phase of the project will be completed by the end of May and will cover six Vietnamese cities, with a second phase – installing 1,400 additional Kerlink gateways – expected to be completed by the end of 2022 and covering 10 more cities in 2023.

Kerlink’s VP for Asia Pacific, Rene Arbefeuille explained the benefit of the Helium’s network, “The connected hotspots provide cities with miles of low-power network coverage for billions of devices and are paid in Helium’s cryptocurrency, HNT. Kerlink’s industrial-grade indoor Wirnet™ iFemtoCell and Wirnet™ iFemtoCell-evolution, as well as carrier-grade outdoor Wirnet™ iStation IoT gateways, have been enabling the use of HNT cryptocurrency mining on the LoRaWAN® protocol for the past year.”