'We're seeing a sharp increase in the awareness of the need for high-speed connections'

Can you introduce yourself and your role?
My Name is Jens Prautzsch, I am the CEO of Unsere Grüne Glasfaser. I can look back on many years of experience in the fields of telecommunications…

Can you introduce yourself and your role?

My Name is Jens Prautzsch, I am the CEO of Unsere Grüne Glasfaser. I can look back on many years of experience in the fields of telecommunications, networks, fibre optic construction and data centres. As CEO of UGG, the joint venture between Telefónica and Allianz, I take on the challenge of fibre optic expansion and try to combine it with my knowledge of digital infrastructure.

What have been the biggest developments in Germany’s broadband landscape over the last year?

I think the biggest development is the sharp increase in awareness of high-speed internet connections, e.g. because of home office or the many streaming offers. This has led to a higher commitment of many companies and investors – such as UGG – for the expansion of Fiber-to-the-Home.

What are you most looking forward to at Connected Germany?

With over 500 participants and more than 80 speakers, for me, Connected Germany is the best place to reconnect with the industry in person after the Corona pandemic. Seeing partners and competitors live again will be a great moment.

You can hear more about Germany’s FTTH expansion, as well as hear from Jens and the rest of our amazing speaker line-up by joining us at Connected Germany, which is being held in Mainz on April 5-6 2022. To secure your place, just follow the link to the event website.